But it is a new week, full of promise! I'm so excited for this week....it's my birthday week! It's actually going to be pretty busy around here. This afternoon, it is my turn to host a girl scout meeting for Ava's troop. The badge they're earning today is all about Girl Scout traditions. One of the things that Girl Scouts usually make at some point are these things called sit-upons. They're basically cushions that you can use if you're sitting by a campfire (or anywhere else) that are waterproof, so you don't get dirty sitting on the ground. I remember making one 25 years ago! So I went yesterday to the fabric store and got foam, waterproof table cloth material, and yarn. Jay and I worked on them last night. We had to get them started to make it easier (and faster) for the girls. Ava kept called them Cinnabons instead of sit-upons. Jay said last night that he hoped she didn't go in and tell all of the girls they were making Cinnabons at the meeting. Because there were going to be some disappointed faces when they saw the vinyl-covered cushions that they're really making!
I did make s'more pops this morning to bring in for a snack, though.
The rest of the week includes a cookie/craft thing with Ava at her school, book club, my actual birthday, a girls' dinner, friends from out of town, Santa's workshop at the girls' school, a birthday party, Christmas shopping, my mom and sister here, and a birthday dinner in my new birthday dress! There's also a bunch of awesome made-for-TV holiday movies and some Michael Buble Christmas special this week! Also, my Christmas cards should be here from Tiny Prints tomorrow (more about the debacle that was taking that photo later!) as should my dress for Jay's work holiday party that I ordered from Piperlime. I actually ordered two. I couldn't decide. Here they are:
Also, I would like to announce that I have almost all my Christmas shopping done, which is kind of amazing, since I'm usually such a procrastinator. I've been hunting down this LeapPad Explorer thing for Declan (mostly so he'll give me back my iPad!). I finally found one Saturday morning. The same morning that incidentally, he sneaked downstairs and ate his entire advent calendar in one sitting!
Which reminds me, while writing this, I have left the s'more pops unattended..............