
good karma

I wholeheartedly believe in karma. The other day at the Target the checkout girl tried to give me ten extra dollars when she was counting my change. When I corrected her, she seemed shocked. I left happy that I did the right thing and I'm sure she was happy that her drawer wasn't going to be short $10 that night.

So fast forward to last night. (This post is going somewhere, I promise!). I got an email from Ava and Emerson's school saying that the church affiliated with the school needed children to volunteer to be in the live nativity that they do at Christmas Eve mass. (Now the picture above is making more sense, right?!) They were looking for all different ages to play various roles, including Pre-K and Kindergarten students to play lambs and 1st-3rd graders to play angels. I asked the girls if they would be interested. They were so excited. Ava started immediately describing what she wanted to wear, while Emerson was crawling around on all fours baaaa-ing. So I emailed the lady and said that my girls would love to volunteer.

After the girls were in bed, I got an email from the lady in charge saying that she would be happy to add Ava as an angel, but all the lamb positions had been filled. My heart sank. They were so excited. The thought of telling Emerson that only Ava could be in the Christmas show made me sick. Emerson always gets shafted. Ava gets to go to sleepovers and play-dates and girl scout activities and school field trips on buses. Poor Emerson! I emailed the lady back and said that the girls had been really excited and that if anything opened up, to please keep Emerson in mind.

This morning I got an email from her, saying they would just have an extra lamb this year! She said she wouldn't want any child to be disappointed. I'm so happy I could cry!

I'm telling you...karma!

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