I've been mildly obsessed with pom poms lately and since I am now into decorating for Christmas, I'm trying to figure out how to combine the two. Luckily for me, someone invented Pinterest where I can now type pom poms into the search bar and come up with lovely images such as these:
Now, I have no idea how to make those felt ball kind of pom poms. I even watched a youtube video and I'm just as lost as before. It seems like a lot of work. I do know how to make pom poms out of yarn though. Here's my quick tutorial:
1. wrap your fingers with yarn
2. take off your fingers and tie a piece of yarn around the middle of the yarn loops
3. cut all of the loops
4. you can cut the ends if you want them to be super round and even looking. (i didn't!)
Then I just tied them all on a strand and made garland out of them. See?
And here it is on our white tree-----
Since are going to have 4 (!) trees this year, I'm all about making cheap tree decorations. I bought 3 spools of yarn from the Joann Fabrics for $2.99 each and after making 4 strands of garland I still have a ton leftover. I will probably use the rest to wrap presents with or maybe I'll start a scarf! Notice I said start, not complete! I'm still working on one for my little sister that I started this time last year!
which little sister would that be? And by the way, this is AWESOME!!